Reading Aloud-- A Great Way to Improve Language!

Jim Trelease has written a great book called The Read-Aloud Handbook . He published the seventh edition in 2013, and an eighth edition titled Jim Trelease's Read-Aloud Handbook was published in 2019. In the seventh edition, Jim Trelease tells the story of a boy from Russell, Kentucky, a town with a population of 3645, who scored a perfect 36 on the ACT. People wanted to know what prep course he had taken. The prep course consisted of the parents reading to their children for 30 minutes a night, event after their sons had learned to read. This reading aloud experience translated into a love of books, and the home was full of books. Jim Trelease also talks about an admissions director from Amherst College who says he's never met a student with a high verbal SAT score who wasn't a passionate reader, and nearly all of those students recall being read to. Jim Trelease points to these numbers: Children spend 900 hours a ...